Katadata.co.id | Kamis, 20 Mei 2021
Seberapa ‘Hijau’ Bahan Bakar Nabati (Biofuel)?
Memperluas perkebunan kelapa sawit untuk produksi biofuel dapat menimbulkan efek kontraproduktif. Termasuk menggagalkan komitmen Indonesia dalam upaya penanganan perubahan iklim. Salah satu penyebabnya, ekspansi perkebunan sawit dapat mengancam hutan Indonesia. Sebanyak satu juta barel konsumsi biofuel setiap harinya membutuhkan 9-15 juta hektare perkebunan kelapa sawit. Semakin banyak biofuel yang dibutuhkan untuk konsumsi, maka akan semakin banyak lahan, termasuk hutan, yang dibutuhkan untuk perluasan perkebunan kelapa sawit. Selanjutnya, kebijakan biofuel juga kerap bertentangan dengan tujuan lingkungan yang diterapkan pemerintah, salah satunya komitmen untuk mengurangi emisi gas rumah kaca (GRK) sebesar 29 persen pada 2030. Nyatanya, rantai pasok biodiesel justru menyumbang 80 persen emisi GRK dari total seluruh emisi yang dihasilkan sektor ini. Terkait permasalahan tersebut, CDP merekomendasikan agar biofuel dikelola secara berkelanjutan. Beberapa hal yang dapat dilakukan adalah mengintegrasikan aspek keberlanjutan dalam peraturan industri, mengedepankan transparansi terkait persoalan lingkungan, serta meningkatkan dialog dan kerjasama antara sektor publik dan swasta agar dapat mencapai solusi yang saling menguntungkan.
Antaranews.com | Kamis, 20 Mei 2021
From Biodiesel, DME to Carbon Capture, PT Pertamina realizes sustainable green economy
In the framework to run the direction of the President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) regarding the Grand National Energy Strategy for energy transformation and strengthening green economy, green technology and green products, PT Pertamina (Persero) continues to prioritize various energy transition programs towards new and renewable energy by utilizing the abundant energy sources in Indonesia and optimize the infrastructures of existing business. President Director & CEO of Pertamina Nicke Widyawati said that currently Indonesia is still facing challenges to overcome the Current Account Deficit due to high energy imports. On the other hand, Indonesia has large domestic resources that can be used as raw material for the production of energy. Pertamina already has three priority programs as part of the implementation of the energy transition and the green economy. The first, program to reduce imports of diesel fuel by the implementation of Biodiesel B20 since 2016 and continued with B30 in 2019. “With this program, Pertamina has succeeded in reducing diesel imports significantly. Even started April 2019, Pertamina will no longer import diesel fuel, ” she said. The second, to reduce the dependence on LPG imports, Pertamina is running a coal gasification project into Dimethyl Ether (DME), that will replace the use of LPG in the country. “Indonesia, one of the countries with the largest coal reserves, has a good opportunity to gasify coal into DME. We are sure that the development of this DME can achieve the government’s target to be free of LPG imports by 2027,” she said. Nicke added that the third program was to reduce imports of Gasoline fuel. Pertamina would mix Methanol and Ethanol with Gasoline. Methanol can be produced from natural gas or coal gasification, and Ethanol can also be produced from coal gasification or the other bio-ethanol sources. According to her, to ensure the sustainability of existing business lines and to handle the environmental issues from coal gasification, Pertamina is also implementing Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage (CCUS) technology to push carbon emissions. It is also part of efforts to enhance oil and gas recovery in Pertamina’s wells to increase the country’s oil and gas production. Pertamina is also exploring the potential cooperation with Exxonmobil and is currently conducting a CO2 injection study cooperation in Gundih gas field and in collaboration with several other partners in Sukowati area. “By using of integrated carbon capture with the DME project, Pertamina believes it can reduce carbon emissions by up to 45 percent,” she concluded.