Biodiesel’s Transition Process in Indonesia

The Government of the Republic of Indonesia has been working for some time to implement the utilization of biofuels, especially the biodiesel fuel program. The purpose of the action is nothing else but for a better environment, as we may already know that biofuels have plenty of benefits for the life of people in Indonesia. Despite the strong commitment that the government has consistently shown in more than the last 10 years, it is important to realize that there are challenges ahead, for switching from conventional fuel to biofuels.
Some of us may be experienced back in the days where people used diesel-based fuel vehicles to utilize the solar-only fuel, where today the government is already implementing the B30, which is the mixture of solar fuel and 30% of palm oil. This has been a journey for the government and people in Indonesia implementing biodiesel, as in the beginning because of a few factors they didn’t introduce the society directly to B30. Some of the factors mentioned are; insufficient palm oil supply, getting people to understand the benefit of biodiesel and some others. Therefore, looking at the progress today, we believed that Indonesia has achieved a new level in implementing biodiesel for a better future.
Despite the progress that we have made until today, Indonesia is very eager and optimistic to improve the consumption of biodiesel. Dadan Kusdiana, General of New Renewable Energy and Conservation is very optimistic by looking at the growth of biodiesel progression in the past as he mentioned “Within three years we were able to increase the utilization of biofuels, as well as the export rate”. He also added, “Biofuels are very reliable to replace the usage of conventional solar” he believed.
Looking at the data released by the International Energy Agency (IEA), vehicles all over the world will increase as much as 60% yearly, whereas today there are approximately 7.2 million vehicles in the world. In Indonesia it is important to switch the usage from fossil fuel into biodiesel, as it says that Indonesia has saved IDR 42.05 billion ‘just only’ in 2019, where the usage of biodiesel back then was quite as much as today.
With the current implementation progress of B30 biodiesel, it is hoped that it will absorb more palm oil demand and extend the progression to utilize more eco-friendly fuel-based, rather than fossil fuel. Also, it has always been the concern of the government and other related stakeholders to improve the quality of the environment in the country for a better future and a better generation.